Abstract Authenticity w/Ibrahima Cisse

Sharing thoughts and also insights that can help you with your daily life.

My 2024 Ramadan experience and what’s next

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Today is the last day of Ramadan, I just prayed Fajr (Morning prayer) and I’m just sitting here thinking about my Ramadan.

Going into it, I wanted to clear up some of the trauma I had in the past mainly around the Quran.

I went to a boarding school in my teens and it wasn’t the best experience and I attributed a lot of that with the Quran.

As a result, I settled for other escapisms that distanced myself from the Quran.

So this year, I told myself that I simply had to find my connection with the Quran.

Weeks before, I started listening to and reading more Quran.

So going into Ramadan, I had a good momentum going.

I also had a lot of self induced internal struggles with myself which I am actively working on.

I’ve caught myself many times these last few months just blaming myself for everything and self criticizing myself.

So that’s what I tried to tackle…

I’ve also had a think about my overall career, what do I want and how can I get there.

I’ve been trying to handle my finances and trying to stay away from credit cards and not have any debts

The last few months have been tough…Click this link if you need more context ==> My Mental Health Struggles and Why I’m Choosing Me Now (My Personal Story)

And how I can start having the courage to actually be around people, it’s been quite hard for me to smile lately. I’m grateful and very happy, but internally I’m not doing too well…like I said, read the link above to learn more.

I guess I say all this to say…everyone has different struggles in life.

But the first step to change is understanding what those struggles are and what you can do to tackle them

My goal this Ramadan was to heal some past pains..cause I know that in order to move forward in my life I have to really go deep and just take some time to understand myself.

That’s why Ramadan is great…it allows you the space to do this…

You fast all day until sunset, you go to the mosque at night, you pray at night, you read and listen to the Quran….

And you stay away from what is unlawful to you.

Am I fully healed? No, but am I going out of Ramadan with a whole new perspective? Yes.

.Now that Ramadan is over, I have a lot that’s going to be on my plate.

I have my main project with a community I’m managing to get that up and running.

I have a political campaign I’m going to be managing these next couple of months.

I have something special next month.

And of course, I’m going to keep working and building on my own personal projects.

This is more of a self reflection so you may not feel any benefit reading this…but if you did I appreciate you so here’s a reminder.

Whatever it is you want, take a step towards it, put yourself first and believe in yourself despite what others might say.

And keep certain parts of your life private, not everyone needs to know what’s going on in your life.

With that being said, I’m taking 1-3 days off (really 1 full day off with the other 2 days being very minimal work).

After that, I’m back in full force and I’m going to be grinding these next couple of months

May Allah accept our Ramadans and enable us to see another

Salam / Peace


Ps. If you would like to support the blog, feel free to check out my list of items I personally use ==> Resources to Help you Navigate your Life Goals (Updated)