Abstract Authenticity w/Ibrahima Cisse

Sharing thoughts and also insights that can help you with your daily life.

Supplements I use to increase my energy and productivity

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If you know me personally, I’m someone who likes to stay consistent and on top of things.

But like many things in life, it’s not possible to always be 100% there.

There’s days where you feel like you’re on top of the world and some days where you might struggle to get out of bed (but you do it anyways).

You might have circumstances that might require you getting up and doing what you have to do anyways regardless of how you feel.

You might have to work, you might have to go to an event or you have family priorities.

Life happens…

And we’re all humans, no matter what is portrayed on social media.

So today I’m going to share some products that give me an extra boost when I need that extra boost.

I also want to be clear that these are products that “I personally use” to help me boost my energy and productivity.

And I don’t use these all the time, I use them appropriately based on how I’m feeling or the circumstance.

And this doesn’t substitute healthy living, exercise and rest….you should always focus on this first.

This also isn’t medical advice and you should always talk to your doctor first if you’re not sure about any of these products.

If your mental health is really on the ropes then I recommend seeking further help.

There are also affiliate links from Amazon so I do get a small commission for each purchase however these are the products and brands I do use personally so you’re welcome to look for different products if you feel like these don’t work well for you,

I’ve done my research before buying these products and I encourage you to do the same.

So here’s some products that help me stay on top of things


Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3KkwB0a

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/4c0eatc

This helps me relax…probably one of my favourite supplements.

As someone who does get anxious from time to time, this works really well especially after I’ve had caffeine.

What I usually do is take caffeine followed by this and what it does it that it keeps me levelled and not too energetic when I have caffeine.

It also prevents me from having the anxiety crash that comes after having caffeine.

I recommend this if you’re not a heavy caffeine drinker or you need to relax before a social event.

You can also refer to this youtube video for more information (Just click the image)

You can also use the links shared at the top to try out L-Theanine if it interests you (Canada – USA)


Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/45bSrfR

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3VlZtv3

I love this for a boost in my day and overall work.

Sometimes you just don’t feel like it, this helps me stay a little more upbeat.

I initially didn’t really feel anything from this as I was using this like L-theanine, but now I fully understand the use of this supplement.

I don’t take this daily, only before a certain tough task, if I’m not in the best mood, or if I need a boost to get through my day.

What I find different with this to L-theanine is this is more to get going whereas L-theanine keeps me more level headed.

I primarily take this in the morning, before a meeting, task or before a workout.

Another side note is I try not to take this with L-theanine. I personally find that they clash for me and if I take both in a day, I take this first and then take some caffeine followed by L-theanine at least 2 hours later.

Here’s another video you can refer to about L-tyrosine (Just click the image)

And if you want to try out L-tyrosine, click the links on top.


Yerba Mate

Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3R82Tzn

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/456A1gt


Caffeine pills

Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3X3hAY5

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3KkvKfY

This one is something I wasn’t doing for a while…and I was actually against it for a long time.

I don’t like the taste of coffee and caffeine generally makes me anxious especially when the crash hits.

But I also acknowledge what caffeine can do for your overall workflow.

It can keep you focused and on top of things if you use it properly.

But it’s not for everyone, and I’ve learned that you have to find the right products for you.

Coffee is one of the most common caffeine products but it’s not the only option.

I’ve found products like Yerba Mate or caffeine pills with L-Theanine to be very helpful.

I won’t go into too much detail on each product, you can do your own research but maybe I’ll make a blog discussing the benefits of each of them so stay tuned for that.

Similar to the other products, I’m not a daily caffeine taker….only when I need the extra boost.

And I still try to resist taking caffeine, but I would be lying if I didn’t say that it helps me stay in a focused state especially when I need a pick me up…especially around noon.

Just monitor how much you take and don’t be reliant on it.

Linked below are some products I personally use (Again not daily)


Jacked Factory Creatine

Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3R8dWIH

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/4e1IoOm

On top of your mental fitness, it’s also key to take care of your physical health.

I’ve taken my fitness to a different stage.

I run 1-2 days a week while continuing my gym routine.

I’ve even run my first ever race which is just the first of many.

So recovery is important.

That’s why I started taking creatine again.

I don’t take it daily and I take it in cycles, but I’ve found myself feeling stronger, gaining more muscle and recovering a lot faster.

This isn’t my first time taking creatine and it won’t be the last time.

There’s alot of questions asked about creatine but this is what I would say.

Make sure you’re hydrated and you don’t have to always take it…just my thoughts.

This is the current brand I use (linked below)

There’s a ton of different brands and you can do some research on whether it makes more sense to take monohydrate or HCL but again, do your research

Bonus: Go Outside/Rest

This isn’t an item and maybe I’ll create another blog about this but if you really need a boost in energy and productivity, go outside and change your surroundings.

Sometimes when you’re constricted at your workplace or at home, you can find yourself feeling stuck and just not able to move forward with your day

Maybe change it up, go for a walk instead of sitting at the break room, or at your desk. Your mood can possibly change with this sudden change.

And sometimes you just need to rest.

And I don’t mean going on Youtube or watching TV.

I just mean maybe taking a nap, a bath, just sitting down resetting.

Something I’ve been trying to do myself is reset my overall dopamine levels and that’s just by not listening to anything on my phone, not working on anything and leaving my phone on Do Not Disturb

The body is a temple, so we should do our best to achieve our goals from there

Final Thoughts

Again I want to emphasize that these are products that work for “me”

What works for you might be completely different however this year has been a year where I’m doing my best to understand myself.

The main thing is to experiment, talk to your doctor and remember that we were all created differently so have fun with it and remember that you got this.

Be sure to tune in to the next blogs as I touch more on things that I’m trying out to take my overall life to the next level.

Send me a DM if you get this far and let me know if there are anything you recommend me trying, I’m always intrigued and interested to hearing different perspectives

Don’t forget to stay authentic!

Peace 🙂
