Abstract Authenticity w/Ibrahima Cisse

Sharing thoughts and also insights that can help you with your daily life.

Motivation For Dealing With Depression Fatigue (Quick tips)

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As I’m writing this, I have no drive to do anything.

I have another blog that I was working on…but I just can’t get through it.

And I usually do these blogs after my actual work so by that time, I’m too tired to even keep writing.

That blog is almost done and I still have plenty of time to finish it, but I thought I should write and post this instead for the week.

Life isn’t easy, we all go through things.

And this might happen to the best of us…

For me, there’s some days I’m absolutely crushing it and getting everything done.

And some days where I can barely go out of bed.

I know it’s depression but the truth is living in North America.

Most days I have to show up.

Especially when you’re managing things around (Projects, Family, your own health)

But it’s important to be aware that everyone is also going through something.

We’re all human, and we all came the same way and we’re all going to leave this world.

That person who you always see smiling might be going through it.

Or that person that calls your number or wants to meet you might just need someone to talk to.

I just put some points below, I’ll expand on it eventually but just want to add these points in case anyone is going through it and needs a quick reminder

  • Professional help
  • Prayer/tawakkul
  • Celebrate your small wins
  • L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine
  • Go for walks, run, exercise
  • Go to a different part of town
  • Talk to a friend
  • Do not cope with bad addictions
  • Sometimes you just have to get up and do it

Especially as men, you can’t just call your boss and say I’m not feeling well mentally.

Some will understand but many times they’ll look at you like “Cool stuff” and tell you unless you have a doctors note, you gotta get to work.

Obviously I’m generalizing but we live in a very work centric society.

Just a little reminder that you got this.

Stay Strong,
