Abstract Authenticity w/Ibrahima Cisse

Sharing thoughts and also insights that can help you with your daily life.

My Personal Approach to Consuming Caffeine

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As someone who isn’t a daily caffeine drinker, my approach to consuming caffeine is quite strategic. I only drink caffeine when I need it, making it more effective when I do. Unlike those who rely on a daily coffee habit, I find that using caffeine sparingly and purposefully maximizes its benefits for me.

Timing is Key

One piece of advice that has stuck with me comes from Andrew Huberman, who recommends not drinking coffee within the first hour of waking up. Instead, I usually wait until around 11 AM or noon to consume caffeine. This timing helps me avoid the mid-morning crash and aligns better with my energy needs.

Purposeful Consumption

When I do consume caffeine, I make sure I have a specific task or activity planned. This could be a gym session, a period of deep work, or even a visit to the library. For example, I usually handle my paid projects in the morning. In the afternoon, I’ll tackle personal projects, often aided by a strategic dose of caffeine. This method ensures that I’m using caffeine to enhance my productivity rather than as a crutch to get through the day.

Avoiding Dependency

It’s important not to rely on caffeine as a replacement for proper rest. Using caffeine to mask the effects of sleep deprivation is a short-term solution that can lead to long-term problems. Instead, I advocate for taking power naps, even if they are just 10 minutes long. Unplugging from social media, taking a walk, or simply resting without distractions can be incredibly rejuvenating.

Supplements for a Boost

When I do use caffeine, I often pair it with a supplement called L-theanine. This combination can provide a smoother energy boost without the jitters that caffeine alone can cause. The brand I use offers 110 tablets for about $15, which I find to be a good value. I’ll include a link below for anyone interested.

Additionally, I sometimes take L-tyrosine for an extra boost, but I don’t combine it with caffeine. It’s just another tool in my energy-boosting arsenal.

Social Situations and Caffeine

In social settings, I might consume caffeine to elevate my mood and energy levels. Social interactions can be draining for me, so a bit of caffeine helps me stay engaged and lively. However, I still use it sparingly and strategically.

Alternatives to Caffeine

For those who find themselves overly reliant on caffeine, there are plenty of other ways to stay energized. Staying hydrated is crucial—drink plenty of water. Regular exercise is another fantastic way to boost your energy levels naturally. Quality sleep is paramount; if possible, a 30-minute nap in the afternoon can be incredibly refreshing.

Cold showers are another option, though I personally don’t take them. They can have various benefits, including increased alertness and improved circulation.

My Caffeine Preferences

I don’t drink coffee because I don’t enjoy the taste. Instead, I prefer mate or matcha, both of which offer a more palatable flavor and a gentler caffeine boost. I also avoid adding sugar to my drinks, opting for a more natural approach.

Final Thoughts

This is how I approach caffeine consumption—strategically and purposefully. While I’m always learning and adapting, these methods have worked well for me. If you’re interested in trying L-theanine, check out the link below. For those seeking personalized guidance, I’ve included a link for a free consultation as well.

Stay authentic, stay energized, and thanks for reading!


Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3KkwB0a

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/4c0eatc


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