Abstract Authenticity w/Ibrahima Cisse

Sharing thoughts and also insights that can help you with your daily life.

Steady progression….at a cost

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So I’ve had this blog for about 4-5 months now and since I’ve had it, I’ve definitely been feeling a lot more direction with my career.

I’ve launched an ebook, I have a wallpaper pack, I have affiliate links and I’ve also been pivoting my career back to the fitness space through online coaching.

The direction is there but the results aren’t…which is a constant pattern for me.

I always find that I get a lot done but I never have anything to show for it.

And it can be discouraging…especially when you know your potential.

I’ve always been ambitious but I’m also realistic on how I’m doing.

Overall I think the direction is there, it’s just the results aren’t there just yet.

And I’m talking about monetary.

Just sharing this blog since most won’t read it.

I haven’t gotten any sales on my affiliates (I think Amazon is a little off cause most days it says I have no views when I know I should have some views)

My email list is still small.

I haven’t gotten any free calls from potential clients.

Social media doesn’t help, seeing people hitting their financial goals.

It feels like I’m never going to hit a monetary win.

I’m discouraged but I’m not going to give up.

I’ve come this far, I can’t just give up like that.

I gave myself until the end of the year to find my path and it’s starting to become more and more clear.

My rizq will come, and when it does it will trickle in inshallah.

I don’t write this blog to benefit anyone, I write this to remind my own self of how far I’ve come…I have my own blog where I can write whatever I want.

I didn’t have this a few months ago.

I have products to sell.

I’m pursuing my passions.

I can do this anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

That’s all…just that I will succeed no matter what.

I’m tired from travels…my body is tired…I’m mentally tired…but I will succeed