Abstract Authenticity w/Ibrahima Cisse

Sharing thoughts and also insights that can help you with your daily life.

I got married recently (Why I’m keeping my private life…well private)

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“There is only one success–to be able to spend your life in your own way.”

~ Christopher Morley

Soooooo I recently got married…and I only revealed it a few weeks ago after about 9 months of preparations

And it wasn’t like I met someone and then got married the next week

It was a little longer than that 😅

The engagement happened in January and only my family members knew then

I then only revealed it to my closest friends a few weeks before the marriage

And I created a close friends story just sharing a picture of me and her with our faces covered with a heart emoji

Many people have told me it was really out of the blue but I have my reasons…

I’ve learned a lot about sharing parts of my life the last few years

And don’t get me wrong, I’m just a regular dude, I don’t see myself as an influencer nor do I see myself as some important figure

So it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things

But there’s something I learned where once you start revealing things to people too early, it can bring in an unnecessary noise that just clouds your judgement

Why I decided to keep my life private

In 2023, I made it clear what I wanted and I shared it with the public

I shared parts of my workouts, me working on my desk, some reels of my BTS, and just my overall ambitions

Although I got a lot of praise, I also heard a lot of noise

The noises are feedback from all angles which is great and appreciative, but at some point you start to get confused

Not because you’re hearing feedback, but because you’re hearing feedback from different opposing sides

I generally am someone who’s quite open minded and I am always open to conversations

But what I realized was people around were giving me advice based on their own perspectives and their own world views

And I kind of felt as though some people may have felt bad for me even though I love my life

I rarely complain about my actual life, if I complain it’s because of a current circumstance or because I’m not growing, but my actual work and life I love

This confusion kind of led me to fall into a rabbit hole of lack of confidence, not understanding what to do next, and just feeling depressed with my life

So I told myself that 2024 is going to be completely different

I wasn’t going to reveal anything until it was actually done

No launches, no wins, nothing unless it actually happened

I’ve started posting recently cause some of these things are now coming to fruition and I’ve had some people ask me what’s next in general

I’ve posted a blog about my mental health and some links to some things I’ve found beneficial to myself which you can find in the link below

Items I use to navigate my life

I for one am a generally a pretty private person in general and most people don’t really know me besides what I post on social media (Even my closest friends)

However although I don’t share a lot of my life online, it still is my career and how I currently make my income

A huge part of my life lies online and even though I don’t post myself frequently, I still engage and run communities online for a living

So eventually people will know parts of my life.

But nobody has to know every aspect of your life…they never will

Social media is meant to be a highlight reel….that’s what people want to see

The other parts of your life and the process can be shared, but most won’t see the vision until it actually becomes a reality

Reasons why you may want to keep your life private

  1. It’s your life…Nobody can truly see your vision until you actually make it a reality
  2. You rid yourself of the noise from the world
  3. You can focus on the next step
  4. Religious marriages are different to the West’s idea of dating (Maybe I’ll talk about this in a future blog)
  5. People will offer you their input based on their personal experiences if you share it to them before it actually happens, people congratulate you once it’s actually official
  6. The world doesn’t have to know everything
  7. People will judge you no matter what you do anyways

Live your own reality….you see it

Now although I’ve heard many congratulations, I know many people are probably confused.

How did I just randomly pop out married like that?

And why didn’t I tell them earlier?

Some may think that I made a mistake.

Look, I’m living my life the way I’m envisioning it and you should too.

You live your own reality

You see your vision

Live your vision and execute on it

Nobody can see your vision unless you actually make it happen

As for my next steps… I have it on my notes and my whiteboard so I’m going to keep most of it to myself

However I will be sharing more on this blog and other social media channels so be sure to follow me there if it actually interests you

This blog is going to be a personal diary for me

Most people won’t read it, so I’m going to take advantage of that while doing my best to monetizing the short form content I plan to create

In terms of wins, I’m not revealing anything until it’s actually official

In a future blog, I’ll share all of the projects that are official which I’m super excited to announce

And I still have a ton of things I want to achieve and this blog is one of the first things I’m doing to get to that point

Thanks for reading! If you want to support the blog, feel free to check out some of my affiliates linked below

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